
How To Create Freebies For Your Blog

Have you heard that you should have a freebee, operating theatre lead magnet, for capturing young email subscribers? Whether you already have one OR you'ray looking to create matchless, this episode will assistant you decide what your freebee should atomic number 4 and and so I will share my tips for designing a freebie for your blog!

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Hinder in May 2019 when I attended the Everything Food Group discussion, there were multiple presentations about email marketing. In fact it seems like email selling is a huge topic of conversation in every industry reactionist now. For a good deal of food bloggers, email marketing is really an untapped platform.

You've probably detected that in order to farm your email list you need to have a freebie or lead magnet that you lavatory give to people in exchange for their email address. And this is 100% genuine.

But if you have none idea where earlier designing a freebie, this will serve!  Before we dive into design tips for a freebee, it's laborsaving to figure out what your freebie leave be!

What is a freebie?

Something you give as a gift for signing up to receive emails from you.

There are many examples of freebies. Typically, food bloggers lean to go to recipe ebooks. But there are lots of other ideas.

When you're reasoning about a freebee, think about what the adjacent step would be for your audience.

Another way to think about this is what is a Opening move before someone makes your recipes. This is really important if you have a special corner where you cover a type of food that is a taxonomic category diet or a cuisine.

10 Examples of Freebies for Food Bloggers

Here are some examples to get you thinking. I'll share what type of freebee it is and then an object lesson of what it might be. Think of to pee-pee this circumstantial to your corner and your audience!

  1. Checklist (10 Brazilian Pantry Essentials)
  2. Chop up (Freezer Meal Hack for Rescue Hours on Repast Planning Each Hebdomad)
  3. Shopping Number (Whole30 Shopping List)
  4. Meal Plan (7 years of repast prep recipes)
  5. Recipe ebook (10 dairy out-of-school side dishes)
  6. Swap list (for allergies or healthy feeding) (20 healthier store bought swaps)
  7. Cuisine lead (direct to kid friendly Asian food)
  8. Timeline (Thanksgiving Timeline)
  9. Holiday menu (Easter Brunch Menu)
  10. Printable (dairy free substitutions, recipe conversion table, spices cheatsheet)

A note about printables as a freebie for food bloggers:

Printables tend to have really high conversion rates which means people will actually foretoken up to receive them. However, we neediness to make dependable THE Word-perfect people are signing up for your list.

So be sure if you are going to doh a printable as a freebee that IT is very niched and specific to your audience, and then you don't get a ton of people WHO subscribe and unsubscribe right away (because that is just a waste of everyone's sentence).

If you're looking to establish your food web log in a crowded niche, net ball's work collectively. Together, we'll create a brand that helps your food web log suffer out and helps you work with more brands.
Let's chat

Tips for Creating A Freebie for Your Blog

Start Small

Create ONE freebee that is a core piece of content. This should interrelate to your sword electronic messaging and your interview's biggest pain point.

This should exist ONE step towards your audience's end goal. This terminate be simple. It can be one page. The content for this is distinguish.

Getting subscribers from this freebie is a perk, but the ultimate end of a freebie is to assis your audience.

Test Ware Ideas

If you have ideas for products in the future, create a freebie around that idea as a way to quiz it and see how it performs.

This could be choosing a freebie within a certain topic or subject, Oregon create a flyspeck version of what a paid product might be to see if mass would even be involved.

Your Interview's Journey

Retention Your Audience in Mind

I've covered the concept of defining your ideal reader in the past, and when you're thinking about creating a freebie IT's essential to know your consultation.

Here's why:

  • When you understand your audience, you can provide value in the manakin of a freebee.
  • Creating a generic freebie bequeath result in people grabbing it and unsubscribing.

A relevant freebie is departure to attract the right audience and push back the wrong audience.

  • A freebee shouldn't be something you produce JUST to grow your subscribers. It should be something that solves a problem and gives value to the Right-handed subscribers.
  • Creating a freebie can be a lot of function, so it doesn't make any sense to do it if it South Korean won't draw the right the great unwashe to your web log.

If you harbor't defined your ideal audience, you should fare that first before thinking about creating a freebie for them.

Subscribe a piece of theme or open a Google Commerce so write down everything you know about your ideal audience — what life stage are they in, what does their family berth look like, what is their occupation, what age are they…

Then you want to realize some potential struggles that overlap with what you do.

Ask yourself the question:

what is your audience's biggest struggle with ______ (going dairy free, fun, alimentation their syndicate, repast prepping, etc.)?

Helping Your Audience with A Problem

When you understand who your audience is, you bottom lead off to understand what their struggles are.

When you understand their struggles (as they pertain to your web log) you can get going providing prize to them.

Inquire the question, what would puzzle out that struggle? What puppet could you give them to help?

The freebee is the first step towards YOU helping them solve their problem.

Remember that your blog is NOT about you. You are the guide to help your interview on their journeying in overcoming their struggles and problems.

This ties into both your audience's struggles but also your denounce messaging and how you'll glide path talking to your audience all but this struggle.

A freebee is something you can also further in other places alike Pinterest or Instagram, so knowing these struggles and solutions will also help you promote this in other places with the right language.

Questions to ask about your audience

  • Who is your paragon audience?
  • What are they struggling with?
  • Why are they struggling?
  • What are they tone?

Look upon secondary struggles they English hawthorn atomic number 4 having such as:

  • Time
  • Money
  • Experience
  • Knowledge

What would you be able to give them as a freebie to get them one ill-trea towards overcoming that struggle?

Final things to remember before designing:

You are NOT solving this problem with ONE freebie.

This is the very early step to get them started.

This backside as wel be a simple bonus for the calm — which can make up a little to a greater extent general. Here are a few examples that I might have old for my own web log:

  • 5 kitchen skills to victor PDF
  • 10 fail proof recipes ebook
  • How to gain kitchen self-assurance guide
  • Pantry essentials checklist

Nowadays that you have your freebie in mind, let's talk about design tips.

Aim Tips for an Email Freebie

Will this be written or regenerate to their computer?

Consider what they are going to answer with the freebee before you start designing it.

Checklists of recipe ebooks are most likely to be printed. Simply this is where knowing your hearing really comes in. When you can anticipate what your audience would do with a freebie, you really know them!

Something like a workbook surgery channelize ass comprise successful so that it's fillable on a computer, merely much of people volition still print it!

If it's going to be written – keep graphics simple-minded and use color meagerly.

Maintain Consistent Branding

This freebie should appropriate right in with your blog. It should maintain the same styles of fonts, colors, usage of artwork, etc. It should feel like an extension of your brand, not something completely unique.

Related: Consistent Branding For Your Web log

Pick out a Political platform that Works for You

If Canva is what you'rhenium homey with, hope it! Canva full treatmen utterly fine for these types of projects.

Programs the like Canva and Photoshop are not really built for creating Brobdingnagian PDFs or running through and through layout designs, simply if they are the program you know and can work with, use that!

Don't let the tech side of creating a freebie stop you from starting.

How long should a freebie comprise?

This answer will ever depend connected what you are creating, but this should be small. More than 3-5 pages can be overpowering. Sometimes for a big mone of recipes, yearner is okay. But if information technology's a take surgery something more eight-day mould, it English hawthorn be also much if it's longer.

If you induce more content than few pages, break it up into a follow up netmail episode.

Should a freebie be mar new content?

The short answer is No! Especially if it's a recipe bundle, I think it's totally fine to bundle recipes that you already hold.

You'Re providing convenience for soul past bundling everything up in 1 daub! Plus, this is an ad free mode to look at the recipes.

If they would be upset past that, they probably wouldn't give you their email anyway.

You have a freebee, now what?

After you have something designed, now it's meter to put it online!

There are a lot of different email platforms, use what you know and are comfortable with.

I be intimate Convertkit because it allows you to have different choose-ins and it's truly a square-shouldered platform. However, I secondhand Mailchimp for years. It's just more clunky for to a greater extent advanced netmail selling tricks.

How do you expose your freebie and sign up form?

This will turn on your platform but in national one of these methods is utilised for adding the freebie sign up form to your web site:

  • Widget
  • Form html
  • Image that is linked to a landing place foliate

When you design the freebie, design an image to promote it too — create one and only for in the post, connected your sidebar, on Instagram stories.

While you're in the mode of designing it, information technology's laborsaving to create these at the same clock time.

Where should you put a freebee sign up?

If growing your email lean is important, this should be in the highest esteem spots of your website! Much of these include:

  • Sidebar
  • After the blog post
  • OR before the recipe card (if it's applicable)
  • Inside the body of the post
  • Footer
  • As a part of your homepage

If it makes sense, create a welcome sequence for AFTER the freebie that helps your audience continue along their journey.

Pro bakshis: also send the freebee to your existing list.

When someone receives your freebie, call for them to share it with a friend by joint a link to subscribe. This lets you cause more subscribers without doing any extra work to advertise the freebie.

Wrapping Up

Remember these things A you start impermanent on your freebie:

  • A freebie should be a quick, bite sized win for your interview.
  • Tailor it to their struggles
  • Check the show notes for those examples of unlike freebie ideas, just know that this can be in some format that makes good sense for your audience!
  • Consider how the freebee will embody used: printed vs on computer
  • A freebie CAN be existent content because you're providing it bundled in a way that is favourable!
  • Don't forget to add it to your website in a strategic place where mass volition see it and take action.

Natural action Stairs

  1. Decide what your freebee should make up
  2. Create your freebee
  3. Share with your active interview
  4. Create contract forms to develop your audience!

How To Create Freebies For Your Blog


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