
Where To Put Security Cameras On House

A domicile without a security system is 3 times as likely to get broken into than i with a security system.

Video cameras add together fifty-fifty more protection because they ofttimes deter criminals earlier attempting to get into a home.

Co-ordinate to the survey, "Agreement Decisions to Rifle from the Offender'southward Perspective," conducted by the Academy of North Carolina, 60% of burglars would consider the presence of security cameras when selecting a target, and more than 40% said that cameras are a factor in choosing another target.

Law abiding people don't tend to consider the mind of a burglar. Just the fact is, nearly thieves know more than most dwelling security than the boilerplate home owner. So it'south important to know the best place to put a security camera so they skip your home and movement on, abroad from your property.

Where To Place Your Security Cameras

We've uncovered the all-time places to install security cameras around the outside of your habitation to help deter burglars.

the best places to put home security cameras

Front Door

  • Because almost burglars try the front end door start, installing a video doorbell or security camera here is a great way to deter them before they try to go far.  You lot tin guild your online at present for simply $149.

Side and Back Doors

  • If the front door isn't an option, the burglar will most likely try a side or back door.  Reports show that 22% of burglars enter through the dorsum door considering they know that in about homes the dorsum door is not as secure as the forepart.
  • If there is a window at the door, position the photographic camera so that information technology covers them both.
  • It's too a good thought to position a photographic camera to cover your entire lawn and whatever out-building you lot may have.


  • Approximately 23% of burglars volition break into a habitation from a offset floor window if they can't get in through a door. Windows at the back or side of the firm are the most vulnerable.
  • This is too a good place for an indoor camera placed on a table focusing on the window and anything that might crawl through.


  • Approximately 9% of burglars go far the business firm through the garage and so consider pointing a security photographic camera at your garage doors.

Below are more stats that may assist you decide where to identify your outdoor security cameras:

  • 81% of break-ins occur on the showtime floor
  • four% of burglars volition enter a residence via a basement
  • 12% walk in casually through unlocked entrances

Check out EMC Security's choice of video cameras including our indoor camera priced at just $79.  Security arrangement not required.


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